Dog Breed Classifier

Files Submitted

Criteria Meet Specification

Submission Files

The submission includes all required files.

Step 1: Detect Humans

Criteria Meet Specification

Question 1: Assess the Human Face Detector

The submission returns the percentage of the first 100 images in the dog and human face datasets with a detected human face.

Question 2: Assess the Human Face Detector

The submission opines whether Haar cascades for face detection are an appropriate technique for human detection.

Step 2: Detect Dogs

Criteria Meet Specification

Question 3: Assess the Dog Detector

The submission returns the percentage of the first 100 images in the dog and human face datasets with a detected dog.

Step 3: Create a CNN to Classify Dog Breeds (from Scratch)

Criteria Meet Specification

Model Architecture

The submission specifies a CNN architecture.

Train the Model

The submission specifies the number of epochs used to train the algorithm.

Test the Model

The trained model attains at least 1% accuracy on the test set.

Step 5: Create a CNN to Classify Dog Breeds

Criteria Meet Specification

Obtain Bottleneck Features

The submission downloads the bottleneck features corresponding to one of the Keras pre-trained models (VGG-19, ResNet-50, Inception, or Xception).

Model Architecture

The submission specifies a model architecture.

Question 5: Model Architecture

The submission details why the chosen architecture succeeded in the classification task and why earlier attempts were not as successful.

Compile the Model

The submission compiles the architecture by specifying the loss function and optimizer.

Train the Model

The submission uses model checkpointing to train the model and saves the model weights with the best validation loss.

Load the Model with the Best Validation Loss

The submission loads the model weights that attained the least validation loss.

Test the Model

Accuracy on the test set is 60% or greater.

Predict Dog Breed with the Model

The submission includes a function that takes a file path to an image as input and returns the dog breed that is predicted by the CNN.

Step 6: Write Your Algorithm

Criteria Meet Specification

Write your Algorithm

The submission uses the CNN from Step 5 to detect dog breed. The submission has different output for each detected image type (dog, human, other) and provides either predicted actual (or resembling) dog breed.

Step 7: Test Your Algorithm

Criteria Meet Specification

Test Your Algorithm on Sample Images!

The submission tests at least 6 images, including at least two human and two dog images.

Tips to make your project standout:

(Presented in no particular order …)

(1) Augment the Training Data

Augmenting the training and/or validation set might help improve model performance.

(2) Turn your Algorithm into a Web App

Turn your code into a web app using Flask or!

(3) Overlay Dog Ears on Detected Human Heads

Overlay a Snapchat-like filter with dog ears on detected human heads. You can determine where to place the ears through the use of the OpenCV face detector, which returns a bounding box for the face. If you would also like to overlay a dog nose filter, some nice tutorials for facial keypoints detection exist here.

(4) Add Functionality for Dog Mutts

Currently, if a dog appears 51% German Shephard and 49% poodle, only the German Shephard breed is returned. The algorithm is currently guaranteed to fail for every mixed breed dog. Of course, if a dog is predicted as 99.5% Labrador, it is still worthwhile to round this to 100% and return a single breed; so, you will have to find a nice balance.

(5) Experiment with Multiple Dog/Human Detectors

Perform a systematic evaluation of various methods for detecting humans and dogs in images. Provide improved methodology for the face_detector and dog_detector functions.